Hi, Dear Reader,
My name is Crimson Cowan, and this is my first blog post, of my first blog, ever.
**Dramatic sound effect of your choice**
There are a lot of things I could say about myself, and a few that will actually pertain to this blog. Writing this, I am on the one hand, extremely excited, because I'm writing. I love writing. It's one of my favorite things to do, and I now have a reason to write regularly. I'll post about myself, life in general, excerpts from stories I am working on, and possibly a serial story, if it fits the blogging mold well enough.
On the other hand, I feel a bit like Tony Stark from Marvel's The Avengers: "Like Christmas, but with more ... *me*."* For a variety of reasons, that feels uncomfortable, slimy, and slightly narcissistic (and if I'm honest, maybe I should edit out "slightly"), even though I adore Iron Man/Tony Stark as a character. I think he's fabulous, but I'm not Tony Stark, and it's not just because I'm not able to make a miniature arc reactor in a cave with a box of spare parts.
However, it's the twenty-first century, and this is how you put yourself out there. Instead, it's in a box, and you can't actually throw rotten tomatoes at me. Virtual, yes. And some of you may now get creative, and send some rotten tomatoes to my house, but you know, it's not immediate. I can't immediately feel the hatred on my face. Damn... virtual stuff is sometimes so much less fun.
**Throws rotten tomato at self for dramatic effect**
**Misses wildly, because she has no throwing arm or aim to speak of, and angers her extremely awesome cat, Shadoe, who hates sauce**
(No, I didn't actually throw a tomato at Shadoe, on accident or otherwise. He's taking a nap next to me while I type this... Adorable much?)
So, back on track, hi again, I'm Crimson, and... Who is blogging? Who is typing right now? Who is thinking about what to say next? Damn... no enlightenment yet. Did I mention I'm a student of Zen Buddhism? Yeah. After reading a book about koans, I ask myself such questions, a lot. I'm not enlightened (or I don't remember my true enlightened nature, depending on your philosophy of such things). I'm definitely not a Zen Master. Or a Ninja (although that would be awesome!). I like to sit, staring at a wall, for twenty minutes at a time. It helps me focus on the things I love to do, gain perspective on how things are, and enjoy or learn from every moment. I was the kid with her head in the clouds, so actually living in the world I'm occupying is a giant new adventure for me. If I talk about zazen, or my path, know that I'm talking about my journey, and take everything as an autobiography, not a how-to guide. As far as how-to, I have no idea. None. Do not ask me. Seriously. I will point you to the nearest Zen Center or Temple with an enlightened Roshi, and wish you well.
I'm also a pianist, so there will probably be something about that here and there. I've played the piano for almost 25 years, barely survived a master's degree in piano performance, and taught little monsters for five years (sometimes having 50+ in my studio, and becoming extremely attached to many of them). Somehow, playing the piano is still one of my favorite things to do, and for the first time in my adult life, I have the great, giant, huge luxury to do what I want to try to create a career that I love. This blog is part of that, but so is practicing, writing, composing, giving recitals, gigging, recording, publishing, keeping up with social media (as much as anyone can...), writing thank you cards, and cleaning the house.
"Wait? What? Did she just add cleaning the house?" you might ask.
Damn Skippy.
As I clean, it clears my head for new ideas. I like new ideas, and as a creative person, they are the fuel upon which I ride. So, as much as anything else on my list, I clean the house. Thus, sprinkled here and there, I will include posts on cleaning, especially when I find a new way to do so. I am a huge fan of cleaning products that don't dry out my hands (keyword here: pianist), so if you too like cleaning products that don't dry out your hands, stay tuned. I love keeping companies in business that produce products that actually clean, smell nice, and keep my hands happy.
To conclude, while I am writing about my life, my experience, and my ideas, and you are reading my posts, you are actually learning about you, your opinions of what I have written, and how they pertain to you. Because reading this is actually for you, I hope to entertain, amuse, cause you to think, or simply act as a virtual friend for a short while. For there are plenty of reasons to believe in the interconnectedness of us all, and that if you are half way around the world, or in the house next door, looking at your computer screen, that I'm there beside you, with my thoughts, ideas, a bit of love, and maybe a cookie. ...Food for thought...
Who is Blogging?
*Excerpt from: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0848228/quotes?qt=qt1698891